W numerze:
- Principles of ventilation design to achieve high IAQ
- Operational challenges of modern demand control ventilation systems: a case study
- BIPV in Nordic climate: the ZEB Laboratory
Buildings Post Corona
- Highlights of EPBD recast proposal – aspects related to HVAC
- Energy efficient rebuilding
- Occupant targeted ventilation brings clean air to occupants
- Dimensioning of the cooling system in Finnish office buildings using the new cooling design days for the current and future climates
- New Danish standard for mechanical, natural and hybrid ventilation systems
- Principles of new Finnish ventilation inspections
- Status of Ventilation in Sweden
- Frosting in residential heat recovery units
- Ventilation requirements and results in renovation of Estonian apartment buildings with KredEx scheme
- TAIL and PredicTAIL – the tools for rating and predicting the indoor environmental quality in buildings
Numer do pobrania ze strony https://www.rehva.eu/rehva-journal/detail/02-2022